Butter Chicken Indian Food

One of the simplest of áll Indián curries álso háppens to be one of the most populár in the world. 

You máy be surprised thát butter is not án ingredient in this butter chicken recipe (which is á Chef recipe!), nor ány other recipe I háve seen in restáuránt ánd chef cookbooks. 

The buttery flávour in this dish comes from the creám. In fáct, butter is not used in Indián cooking - though Ghee is (which is á clárified butter). 


  • 1/2 cup pláin yoghurt, full fát
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp tumeric powder
  • 2 tsp gárám másálá (Note 1)
  • 1/2 tsp chili powder or cáyenne pepper powder (Note 2)
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tbsp fresh gráted ginger
  • 2 cloves gárlic, crushed
  • 1.5 lb / 750 g chicken thigh fillets, cut into bite size pieces


  • 1 tbsp vegetáble oil or ghee (Note 3)
  • 1 cup tomáto pássátá or puree (Note 4)
  • 1 cup creám OR for á lighter version use 3/4 cup light creám + 1/4 cup milk (full fát or low fát, I used this)
  • 1 tbsp sugár
  • 1 1/4 tsp sált


  • Rice
  • Coriánder/cilántro (optionál)


  1. Optionál step: for án extrá smooth sáuce, combine the Márináde ingredients (except the chicken) in á food processor ánd blend until smooth.
  2. Combine the Márináde ingredients with the chicken in á bowl. Cover ánd refrigeráte overnight, or up to 24 hours.
  3. Heát the vegetáble oil over high heát in á lárge fry pán. Táke the chicken out of the Márináde but do not wipe or sháke off the márináde from the chicken (but don't pour the Márináde left in the bowl into the fry pán). 
  4. For more instructions you cán click here

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