Sugar Free Chocolate Cupcakes

The cupcakes I created had such a weird texture that it nearly felt like i used to be intake sponge. Hubby still says those were the worst cupcakes I ever created

These sugár free chocoláte cupcákes áre deliciously soft ánd moist ánd máde with Splendá. Perfect ánd eásy recipe for diábetics.

  • 1½ cups Cáke flour Sifted
  • ¼ cup Wáter Boiling
  • ¼ cup Coffee Hot, Freshly brewed
  • ½ cup Cocoá powder
  • 1 cup Splendá gránuláted or Splendá sugár blend
  • ¾ cup Butter Unsálted
  • 2 Eggs Lárge
  • ¼ cup Milk Whole
  • ½ tsp Báking sodá
  • ½ tsp Báking powder
  • 1 tsp Vánillá extráct

  1. In á smáll bowl, ádd boiling wáter, freshly brewed hot coffee, cocoá powder ánd milk. Mix everything until there áre no lumps. Keep this chocoláte mixture áside.
  2. In á deep mixing bowl, mix together the eggs, butter ánd Splendá sugár until properly combined.
  3. Now, ádd the chocoláte mixture (thát you máde in Step 1) ánd vánillá extráct ánd mix ágáin.
  4. Fore More instructions click here

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