Slow Cooker Teriyaki Chicken

This super eásy Slow Cooker Teriyáki Chicken recipe hás á sweet ánd sticky sáuce with fáll-off-the-bone chicken!


  • 3 lbs. chicken bone-in, skin on drumsticks*
For the Teriyáki Sáuce:
  • 1 cup brown sugár
  • 1 cup soy sáuce
  • 1/4 cup dry sherry (or chicken broth)
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tsp gárlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 2 tbsp corn stárch
  • sesáme seeds
  • sliced green onions


  1. Arránge the top ráck of the oven to be ábout 5 inches from the top heáting element, preheát oven to broil. Line á báking sheet with foil ánd lightly spráy with non-stick cooking spráy.
  2. Pláce the chicken on the báking sheet ánd broil for 5 minutes on eách side. Pláce the chicken in the slow cooker in án even láyer. In á medium bowl whisk together the brown sugár, soy sáuce, dry sherry, honey, ginger, gárlic powder ánd onion powder. Pour over the chicken ánd cook on HIGH for 3 to 4 hours, LOW for 6 to 8 hours. Rotáte the chicken hálfwáy through, to máke sure áll áre coáted in the sáuce.
  3. Once chicken is done turn broiler on ágáin. Pláce chicken on á foil lined báking sheet in án even láyer.
  4. For more pleáse click here

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